Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well, today is the start of my 21st year here on planet earth. *does a little dance* So I guess it's time to think about life. First off, you should have seen me an hour ago. Wow was that a crazy experience. Let's just say I was finally able to let go of some very pent up emotions. Which is a good thing I guess.

Basically I am here today to ask a question. What is so special about birthdays? I mean we are born, and from that day our days our numbered. Sure it is a good thing to celebrate that you made it through another year of life, but is it just not the same as laughing at someone? By noticing I am 21 I am noticing the lack of accomplishment. I look around me and what do I see? I see a lack of knowledge and understanding. By this point in life I wanted to be able to understand mathematics at least. I wanted to be able to pick up a math textbook and actually be able to casually read it and follow it along, which I can't do. I wanted to be able to come up with proofs for theorems, and for this I still need help. I wanted to begin my study on philosophy and what makes up the world and for that I have only read one text. I wanted to be teaching children mathematics and already able to help them understand basic concepts, and I am still at least 2 years away from that goal. I feel like I have all these accomplishments waiting to happen but not enough time to do it, and I already feel behind.

By now most of my 'smart' colleagues have already watched all the episodes of star trek and have read all the star wars books. The stories they used to read in middle school I am just picking up. I have over 10 years of knowledge to catch up on, and thats just the beginning. I mean where do I go from here, and what more am I to accomplish? There are so many unanswered questions and I hoped that by now all of this would have been settled. I am already in the stage in my life where I am seriously considering having children. I don't know. I feel so mature and yet so behind.

What do you do when all you want to do in life is catch up with everyone around you just so that you can eventually get ahead and get somewhere?

That is why I don't like birthdays. It is another slap in the face telling you that you are still losing the war in knowledge. Maybe one day I will catch up. Maybe I will one day hopefully accomplish my one goal in life. Maybe... But for today, I just ask for more knowledge for my birthday.

Unknowingly yours,
Aram the Garmo

Saturday, November 10, 2007


What is a friendship? In the most closeness of the word. I think a friend is a person who stays by you and helps you in a time of need and someone you are willing to do the same for. Someone who you can freely talk with without fear of them thinking badly of you, and the recipricol. But what happens when friendship gets torn? What happens when a friendship gets cut in such a way that two pieces of the originally same string are held by only one point.

Which side of the angle would you lie on if your line got bent and your rays are now pointing in different directions, no longer pointing the same way? What ray would you follow?

Would you follow the ray who will bring you strength and will be there until the end, but will also keep you in a state which you wish to move out of. That friend which will cause you to think about life and challenge you to be the best you can be and to force you to work until the sun has risen yet again. Will you choose the side where money is spent and corrupts, but helps you feel good. Where decisions take time and options are considered. Where new experiences lie and the path you want is laid. The side which takes you away from the rest of humanity and will cause you to drift into solitary confinement, but will also make you become who you want and learn the languages needed to be the person you need to feel fulfilled.

Or would you choose the side where fashion lies. Where the outside determines your inside. Where gossip spreads like wildfire and fuels your life waiting for another day. Would you go toward the side where frugality is considered a good thing and a walk to save money is not considered negative. Would you walk on the side where popular tv shows rule and pub quizes determine life. Would you choose the side where alcohol is prevalent and all the problems of life are drowned slowly in order to make it all seem better.

Which side would you choose? I have chosen mine for it is my dream that I must follow. And so I say goodbye to the world. If you never see me again, it is this that has occured. Aram is following his dreams, pursuing his paths, seeking the knowledge which he needs to know. As Socrates has said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" and saying, "There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance." And so I rest my day in pursuance to be the next known person in history. To have my name etched in stone next to Euclid, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Newton, Fermat, and so many other fabulous people such that I only hope to accomplish 1 tenth in my lifetime what they did in 1 year.

Regretfully yours,
Aram the Garmo