Friday, July 11, 2008


So I was randomly scouring the internet and reading the random blogs I generally look at and I noticed something odd; for some reason another blog mentions mine! Now normally this occurs by one of my friends who is talking about me or something random, but the blog that mentions me is from someone I haven't even heard of! (Of course now I have and will be reading more of his material.) I've basically been mentioned in a blog post about Gay Armenians blogging which is sort of cool. I just didn't know that other people actually read my blog.

If you want to read the amazing post (done by: Onnik Krikorian) you can read it [here]. And to read more posts by Onnik Krikorian you can do so at his blog [here]. I'd also like to say thank you to Onnik for mentioning me in his post!

-Aram the Garmo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks should really go to Artmika at Unzipped for all the work he's doing in alerting readers to new blogs. Anyway, I'd recommend reading Global Voices (and not just the Armenia section).