Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"These are 2 of my favorite new things"

Yes, it is a twist off of "these are a few of my favourite things." So I decided instead of writing boring shit like where I went and at what time, I am deciding to write new experiences and stuff like that. And so in the past week 2 main things happened that I want the world to know. Well, mainly you, but in reality I want these recorded in history!

My first new favourite thing to do is walk the streets without looking both ways. And here is where the story begins. I was standing right outside of the Leeds City Centre Market friday at around 15:00 and we were heading to uni in order to open a bank account. I look to the left because I thought the symbols on the floor told me it was a one way street. So I see no cars coming and I take a step forward. *BANG* A bus comes and hits me from the right hand side. I never saw the bus or anything. In fact I didn't even feel the bus. All I remember is falling, feeling the floor, and thinking "oh, I should get up." And I did a dance turn and stood up without ever breaking the fall. I think I actually got up faster than the bus could fully stop. It wasn't until I was standing that I realised that I got hit by a bus. It was a very fun experience though. I had no broken body parts, and only a little bit of soarness. I was more upset about my sweatshirt getting wet.

Later on my friend told me that she thought the bus was going around 15 mph and that the scene looked like the end of "Mean Girls" where she gets hit by the bus. And we also realised that the reason I didn't feel the bus was because the bus never hit me, it hit my purse. I realised this since I noticed my lotion cap was broken and had to toss it away. My friend who was there was more in shock than I was. I personally was ready to go, but she had me sit down for a little bit. While I was sitting some random woman walked up to me and was trying to say that in the UK you can sue for getting hit by a bus. Well, here's the thing. It was MY fault for getting hit. I am not going to sue the bus company when I was the one who did it. What happens if when I sue them they let go of the guy who "didn't stop in time"? And what happens if that guy was relying on this job to feed his whole family? I am sorry, but when it is completely my fault I will not be suing anyone. So she tried to tell me to go to a hospital within 48 hours just in case. Which I thought was a good idea.

Now, of course any logical person would have gone straight to a hospital and been examined. Well, I was a stupid one I guess. Instead of going to the hospital we still went to go and open up a bank account. We got some information and then around 4 pm (1 hour after the accident) I went to a dance workshop. Yes, I paid £3 in order to dance for 2 hours right after getting hit by a bus. It was actually loads of fun. I felt a little out of it, but was dancing fairly well. The moves were all hip-hop which was not my expertise, but I tried anyway and did well, but completely failed when we showed it in groups. I forgot everything. But I had fun and thats all that counts. Afterward I went to Leeds Student Medical Practice (the hospital I'm supposed to go to) and found out they were closed. So I called the "emergency" hotline cause they were closed on saturday also. They told me to go to this hopital called "Lexicon House." They tried to give me directions, but they were so weird. They told me to go down to the Merrion Centre and go downhill. Now, the Merrion centre is a whole block long, so I don't know which downhill they were talking about, but I decided to try and figure it out. So I started walking and finally realised I was going the wrong direction. I called again and they were not helpful once more. So, instead, I called my friend and had her open google maps and find where I am and help me get to where i need to be. It took me around 1 hour to walk to the hospital when it should have taken 20 minutes.

So I got to the hospital (which is in the middle of no where) and I sat down. They finally called me in and the doctor was kurdish, aka Iraqi. But having my parents be Iraqi it made no difference to me. So he asked me what problem I had and I told him I got hit by a bus. He asked where it hurts and I told him a couple of joint pains I had and he didn't touch or anything and just wrote it down. And then he asked how I got the joint pains. I looked at him oddly and again said that I got hit by a bus. At this he looked at me weird and asked if I got hit as in *insert hand motion of fist colliding with other palm* by a bus? I told him yes. And he said that he thought I got to the hospital by bus. (Later on I found out, the closest bus station to the hospital was around half a mile away.) So he asked if it hurt a lot and I said no. And then he asked about my name which wasn't "Californian." So I told him and I swear we talked more about my name than my injuries. Then afterward he said that I was free to go. I looked at him weird and asked if I should do anything in particular just in case. He told me if I wanted I could take ibuprofen or paracitemal (sp?), but that I didn't need to. Then again I looked at him weird and asked if I should rest for the night or the next few days, you know, to let my body recuperate. He told me that I didn't need to. If I felt fine than I could go out. Oh stupid doctor, jokes are for blokes. But he was stupid, but of course I took his advise. I ended up leaving and calling a taxi. The taxi said it would take an hour. So I walked half a mile to a bus stop, took the bus into city centre and from there walked the rest of the way home. That night, as the doctor ordered, I got no rest. I went out at 11:30 and partied until 3:30 at Fruity, which is the club the union holds on Fridays. it was tons of fun!

And that was my first experience. My second experience was not as dramatic, but was a lot of fun. Last night I went to a gay club for the first time here. The drinks were each £1 and entry was only £1.50. So of course I was planning on getting wasted. We didn't start to dance until around 10:30 or so, even though we got there at around 8:30. When we started dancing I noticed not many people were full on dancing like they did in the states. There was definately more dancing than in the straight clubs, but still not enough. But there was enough that I was able to enjoy myself and dance. Now here is where the new experience comes in. As I was dancing one of my new gay friends told me we should go up and pole dance. Yes, there were 2 poles in this club. I told him I didn't know how and he said he would show me. So I went up with him. He did some basic thing, and being the dancer I am I took what he did, changed it up a bit and did something different. He looked at me all suave and we started our pole off. He did one thing, I twisted it and did another. My grand finally was when I climbed to the top and stood on top of the pole and started hip thrusting. Afterward I climbed upsidedown down the pole and flipped and landed with my ass on the railing, my legs open the hole time, still holding on to the pole. At which point I did some more hip thrusts and let my butt slide down. I help myself in position with my head and started using both arms to spank and stuff. I then slid all the way down and straddled the pole in front of me on the railing. I fondled it, got up and took the big pole again and did a little turn thing and that was about all. It was super fierce. Everyone in the club was staring and I felt good. Afterward everyone was asking if I had ever pole danced before cause I was doing good. I told them no but it felt good to know that I could pole dance really well. I can't wait for my next pole dancing experience.

So those are two of my favourite new things. There are more new things that will come up as the days go on so stay tuned as Aram's life continues to add drama to yours.

With excitement,
Aram the Garmo

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