Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
One Child Policy
So today I am going to talk about China's one child policy, which I am completely in favor of. In fact I personally believe that every first world country should limit the number of children any couple has to at least 4 even though I would prefer setting the number to 2.
I already hear shouts of protest, so let me first explain myself. I personally wish that I did not want this policy. I want children myself and the thought that the government is telling me that I can only have a certain amount would make me angry, but that is very selfish. I would only be thinking of myself and my 'right' to having as many children as I want, but let us look at the big picture shall we? Let us look at our whole planet and the entire concept behind having children.
First off the world population, according to the CIA as of July 2007 [Source], is at a little over 6.6 billion. And most of the population growth has happened in the past 200 years. In the 1800s roughly only 900 million people lived in the world [Source]. Basically, what I am trying to point at is that the world is becoming overpopulated with humans. With the amount of humans one the planet we are tearing down food chains and disturbing the natural order of things. We are causing extinction of species due to hunting and the need to feed ourselves. We are using way to many resources of the planet and eventually they will run out. The Earth may be big, and may have a ton of resources, but the world is only finite. With the way the human race consumes eventually the earth will be nothing but rock, literally. There are 2 main ways to decrease the rate of growth in population. The first is the obvious of killing people in order to decrease populations firsthand, but let's be honest this is not a very moral way of doing things. The only other method is to limit the number of humans that are born. This second method is the lesser of two evils and we have now come to a point in our worlds history that we must seriously begin looking into this option.
Some will say that it is their right to have as many children as they want. I completely agree, but if they are going to be selfish and only think about themselves then they are hurting the greater good. If most people became selfish then suddenly we would be overpopulated. So for once stop thinking about yourself and stop being selfish and limit yourself.
There are 2 main reasons that most people have become used to the fact of having a lot of children. One of these reasons is religion. This is my favourite point to combat, (and just a quick note, I am not an atheist) because of the idea that religion is what causes us to have a lot of children. Let us face what most people refuse to face. Some religions are only out there in order to grow. For example I will tackle Mormonism. In the mormon religion it is known that having the more children the better it is, but why? There does not seem to be a good reason behind this idea. I believe that the main reason this was included into the ideals of mormonism was so that mormonism can grow. One of the best ways to get people into a religion is for them to be born into it and therefore if a certain religion wants to grow and become a big power then one of the key elements is for it to ask its followers to breed like crazy. So when religion asks you to reproduce, the main reason is in order to get the religion bigger so that they have more followers so that the religion is more powerful. Again, a very selfish idea and not a very nice concept to look at, but most modern religions use this technique in order to increase its membership.
You may argue that I am only saying this is true for modern religions, so how about ones further back such as christianity which also preaches to have children. These relgions ask for more children based on the second reason most people want many children. This second reason is in order to be able to survive. In older times people used to have to manually work in order to raise money and be able to support themselves. During this time it was very necessary to have multiple children in order to survive. One of the reasons was because there were many diseases and not much medication so a lot of children would die before ever reaching adulthood. Another reason was because for each child that ended up reaching adulthood that was a helping hand to the family business and the family can grow and prosper. So in past times it was extremely beneficial to have multiple children. This is my belief as to why older religions ask for multiple children. This is also why I believe that the one child policy should not be used in third world countries, where each child is another assett to the family still.
So since children no longer help a family grow in wealth during the lifetime of the family (usually), and since medicine has gotten much better in todays world I don't believe we need to be reproducing as much and over populating the world.
Some may argue that first point in the last paragraph and argue it with retirement. That if we don't have more children than aged persons then it is hard for us to support the aged persons who are retired. I just have one question, why are the young persons supporting the old? In todays society there are usually enough resources for a person to save up money in order to retire and use their own money and survive peacefully until they pass on. Why should it be up to the child to pay for someone who is older than them? And why is the retirement age set at 65? With medicine the way it currently is, people are living much better and are still very healthy at 65. Why are we taking healthy, strong individuals away from the workforce and then using the governments funds to help support them? The retirement age should go up to around 75 or 80 is what I personally think especially with the way the world is going and also I would personally cut away social security to the wealthy due to the fact that they have more than enough to save money on the side and survive after retirement.
I already hear arguments in which people are saying that after working 40+ years they deserve a break and that they are tired of work. Just one more question, who said? Who was the person who said that we deserve rest? Who was the global entity who said that as human being we deserve to take a break from work and just sit on our lazy butts and do nothing? Humans are also animals. If humans deserve breaks, then why don't other animals? Why do humans find themselves so superior to other beings that they think they deserve a break from work, while every other animal on this planet works themselves day in and day out until the day they die from working hard. I will agree that a rest is always nice and the thought of not having to work is always a promising prospect, but when the price of that prospect comes at having to have more children in order to support ourselves at being lazy, and that the cost of having more children is increasing our global population to an unsustainable number, and that this will cause us to deplete the earth. Yes, I am trying to argue that retirement (in part) helps to cause the depletion of resources, but only when taxes and children are used in order to create a time of retirement during old age.
Now I realise this is very controversial, but truthfully, it is a bad time to be on this planet. The ozone layer is depleting almost literally in front of our eyes due to greenhouse gases and our waters are becoming polluted to a point of drought. We are using the Earth's resources at a crazy rate and we need to make a brash decision. I know the decision sucks, and I know no one wants to make the decision, but it is time for someone to take a stand and take the fall in order to make the world a better place. Stop being selfish and for once think about the greater good of humanity. Think of others, and if you open your mind you will see that yes this decision is a horrid one, but it is the only one worth pursuing considering the only other option is death/murder.
With horrid views on the future,
-Aram the Garmo
I already hear shouts of protest, so let me first explain myself. I personally wish that I did not want this policy. I want children myself and the thought that the government is telling me that I can only have a certain amount would make me angry, but that is very selfish. I would only be thinking of myself and my 'right' to having as many children as I want, but let us look at the big picture shall we? Let us look at our whole planet and the entire concept behind having children.
First off the world population, according to the CIA as of July 2007 [Source], is at a little over 6.6 billion. And most of the population growth has happened in the past 200 years. In the 1800s roughly only 900 million people lived in the world [Source]. Basically, what I am trying to point at is that the world is becoming overpopulated with humans. With the amount of humans one the planet we are tearing down food chains and disturbing the natural order of things. We are causing extinction of species due to hunting and the need to feed ourselves. We are using way to many resources of the planet and eventually they will run out. The Earth may be big, and may have a ton of resources, but the world is only finite. With the way the human race consumes eventually the earth will be nothing but rock, literally. There are 2 main ways to decrease the rate of growth in population. The first is the obvious of killing people in order to decrease populations firsthand, but let's be honest this is not a very moral way of doing things. The only other method is to limit the number of humans that are born. This second method is the lesser of two evils and we have now come to a point in our worlds history that we must seriously begin looking into this option.
Some will say that it is their right to have as many children as they want. I completely agree, but if they are going to be selfish and only think about themselves then they are hurting the greater good. If most people became selfish then suddenly we would be overpopulated. So for once stop thinking about yourself and stop being selfish and limit yourself.
There are 2 main reasons that most people have become used to the fact of having a lot of children. One of these reasons is religion. This is my favourite point to combat, (and just a quick note, I am not an atheist) because of the idea that religion is what causes us to have a lot of children. Let us face what most people refuse to face. Some religions are only out there in order to grow. For example I will tackle Mormonism. In the mormon religion it is known that having the more children the better it is, but why? There does not seem to be a good reason behind this idea. I believe that the main reason this was included into the ideals of mormonism was so that mormonism can grow. One of the best ways to get people into a religion is for them to be born into it and therefore if a certain religion wants to grow and become a big power then one of the key elements is for it to ask its followers to breed like crazy. So when religion asks you to reproduce, the main reason is in order to get the religion bigger so that they have more followers so that the religion is more powerful. Again, a very selfish idea and not a very nice concept to look at, but most modern religions use this technique in order to increase its membership.
You may argue that I am only saying this is true for modern religions, so how about ones further back such as christianity which also preaches to have children. These relgions ask for more children based on the second reason most people want many children. This second reason is in order to be able to survive. In older times people used to have to manually work in order to raise money and be able to support themselves. During this time it was very necessary to have multiple children in order to survive. One of the reasons was because there were many diseases and not much medication so a lot of children would die before ever reaching adulthood. Another reason was because for each child that ended up reaching adulthood that was a helping hand to the family business and the family can grow and prosper. So in past times it was extremely beneficial to have multiple children. This is my belief as to why older religions ask for multiple children. This is also why I believe that the one child policy should not be used in third world countries, where each child is another assett to the family still.
So since children no longer help a family grow in wealth during the lifetime of the family (usually), and since medicine has gotten much better in todays world I don't believe we need to be reproducing as much and over populating the world.
Some may argue that first point in the last paragraph and argue it with retirement. That if we don't have more children than aged persons then it is hard for us to support the aged persons who are retired. I just have one question, why are the young persons supporting the old? In todays society there are usually enough resources for a person to save up money in order to retire and use their own money and survive peacefully until they pass on. Why should it be up to the child to pay for someone who is older than them? And why is the retirement age set at 65? With medicine the way it currently is, people are living much better and are still very healthy at 65. Why are we taking healthy, strong individuals away from the workforce and then using the governments funds to help support them? The retirement age should go up to around 75 or 80 is what I personally think especially with the way the world is going and also I would personally cut away social security to the wealthy due to the fact that they have more than enough to save money on the side and survive after retirement.
I already hear arguments in which people are saying that after working 40+ years they deserve a break and that they are tired of work. Just one more question, who said? Who was the person who said that we deserve rest? Who was the global entity who said that as human being we deserve to take a break from work and just sit on our lazy butts and do nothing? Humans are also animals. If humans deserve breaks, then why don't other animals? Why do humans find themselves so superior to other beings that they think they deserve a break from work, while every other animal on this planet works themselves day in and day out until the day they die from working hard. I will agree that a rest is always nice and the thought of not having to work is always a promising prospect, but when the price of that prospect comes at having to have more children in order to support ourselves at being lazy, and that the cost of having more children is increasing our global population to an unsustainable number, and that this will cause us to deplete the earth. Yes, I am trying to argue that retirement (in part) helps to cause the depletion of resources, but only when taxes and children are used in order to create a time of retirement during old age.
Now I realise this is very controversial, but truthfully, it is a bad time to be on this planet. The ozone layer is depleting almost literally in front of our eyes due to greenhouse gases and our waters are becoming polluted to a point of drought. We are using the Earth's resources at a crazy rate and we need to make a brash decision. I know the decision sucks, and I know no one wants to make the decision, but it is time for someone to take a stand and take the fall in order to make the world a better place. Stop being selfish and for once think about the greater good of humanity. Think of others, and if you open your mind you will see that yes this decision is a horrid one, but it is the only one worth pursuing considering the only other option is death/murder.
With horrid views on the future,
-Aram the Garmo
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Recollecting the Past
Is it worth it for us to live in the past or should we keep moving forward? Taking our old selves and making a new sense of identity in order to relive life in a new way. To maybe try things again, to start over in a sense. What brought on this idea? I was editing my website (which is shit as it is!) and my first intent was to clean up the poems section. Of course I had to sit and read EVERY poem I had and categorise them so that I can see which ones I actually want to keep on the website. And as I was looking I noticed something pretty cool. I actually had some decent poetry. It is hard to imagine; Aram the mathematical Garmo with no artistic talent has a decent poem? And then I noticed most of the poems were written around the same time and centred around the same subject. I'll first write them down so you can see them and then I will discuss them.
All of these were written on 10 June 2004. So of course I thought I would look them up in my LJ and see what was happening in my life during that time to see why I was so exuberant about love. And then I went on a whole trip almost into my school years. So I'll give a quick background as to what was happening in Aram's life at this point so you know where I was in my life.
The 10th was the day right after I had my first date with a boy ever. We went laser tagging and then we went to a private location to makeout for a little while. He wanted more, but I wasn't willing to give it since it was only my first time. Then we felt the feel of exhilaration as we sped down the highway at over 100 mph with our windows rolled down. It was bliss.
Obviously, I was in an ecstatic moment in my life. I felt life could not get any better, and it probably hasn't gotten much better, but it has matured. I wait for the day this feeling returns, and I feel it almost has. I am feeling close to the same emotions as I was before, but I am currently not as artistic. I can't just sit and write poetry as I once did, instead I sit and create dance. It's a weird feeling creating art in the presence of lust. So of course as I am in a state of lust my gay side has been flowering like crazy. Talk about sadness though. Here I was last week stating how I was going to go straight and begin working on maths and actually fixing my life, but instead now I feel like jumping off the roof and doing a dance to my grave. I feel like expressing joy in a dance that no one has ever seen before. This is the time I should have created my dance piece because it would have turned out to be very good instead of the crap it ended up being.
So now back to my question of whether or not it is worth it to go back in life and see what our past was. I think it is very good. It allows us to remember things we usually do not recall. It shows us that those good days may be few and far between, but that they are so good that they are worth striving for. It shows us who we are and how we respond to those around us. It enlightens us to see how we have changed over time, whether we have matured and learned the things we intended or even accomplished the goals that we started. So I am off to recollect on my past and see what new things I should focus on. I hope my website will eventually relaunch so that the world can share in my hopes and dreams, but until then goodbye.
With artistic license,
-Aram the Garmo
Bodily Temptations The eyes of brown, The hair the same. His maddened looks Drive me insane. His cool caress, Those arms of steel, His nice warm touch, As if unreal. The sweetest voice, The nicest song. The nicest dressed. For dancing long, The finest feet. The craziest mind. And in the end, I may have him. | Stars Look at the stars, Aren’t they far? Can you believe That they can be sought? We can go hold them, We can go touch them, We can achieve them. But some just cant jump. I have been jumping Up to the sky Trying to reach The stars very high. Today I jumped In a brand new way, And found out It was better that day. I jumped up, And I felt a star. Heaven was near, But still very far. And so now I practice And try to go higher. Eventually I will, But for now im just tired. | Heaven Walk down Grab and pull Close up Scent of you Feel of you Taste of you Let go Smile Heaven |
All of these were written on 10 June 2004. So of course I thought I would look them up in my LJ and see what was happening in my life during that time to see why I was so exuberant about love. And then I went on a whole trip almost into my school years. So I'll give a quick background as to what was happening in Aram's life at this point so you know where I was in my life.
The 10th was the day right after I had my first date with a boy ever. We went laser tagging and then we went to a private location to makeout for a little while. He wanted more, but I wasn't willing to give it since it was only my first time. Then we felt the feel of exhilaration as we sped down the highway at over 100 mph with our windows rolled down. It was bliss.
Obviously, I was in an ecstatic moment in my life. I felt life could not get any better, and it probably hasn't gotten much better, but it has matured. I wait for the day this feeling returns, and I feel it almost has. I am feeling close to the same emotions as I was before, but I am currently not as artistic. I can't just sit and write poetry as I once did, instead I sit and create dance. It's a weird feeling creating art in the presence of lust. So of course as I am in a state of lust my gay side has been flowering like crazy. Talk about sadness though. Here I was last week stating how I was going to go straight and begin working on maths and actually fixing my life, but instead now I feel like jumping off the roof and doing a dance to my grave. I feel like expressing joy in a dance that no one has ever seen before. This is the time I should have created my dance piece because it would have turned out to be very good instead of the crap it ended up being.
So now back to my question of whether or not it is worth it to go back in life and see what our past was. I think it is very good. It allows us to remember things we usually do not recall. It shows us that those good days may be few and far between, but that they are so good that they are worth striving for. It shows us who we are and how we respond to those around us. It enlightens us to see how we have changed over time, whether we have matured and learned the things we intended or even accomplished the goals that we started. So I am off to recollect on my past and see what new things I should focus on. I hope my website will eventually relaunch so that the world can share in my hopes and dreams, but until then goodbye.
With artistic license,
-Aram the Garmo
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Gay vs. Straight: The Resolution
Last night as I was attempting to sleep I cam up with a resolution. I was tossing and turning in bed unable to produce enough tiredness in order to fall asleep when it suddenly struck me. I have finally chosen which side of the debate I will side with and I will explain my reasons for this sudden 'epiphany'.
The main reason for the conclusion I am about to give is some videos that are on facebook. I was watching me dancing on the video app on facebook and was comparing myself with the other dancers, which a very normal thing to do as a dancer. But as I was comparing I noticed something very vital in a dancers life; I don't dance like any of them do. I have my own rhythm and my own movements. I cannot follow and duplicate what the others in the dances could do. This may have been due to the fact that I was out of my element by doing hip-hop, lyrical, and the such, but as a contemporary dancer lyrical should have come fairly easily, and it seemed that it didn't. That is the main basis for my decision to choose to be straight.
Now deciding to be straight has many implications as to how I want to lead my life. Although it is too late to make any major changes in my life (such as career ambitions) but it is not too late to begin my wisdom training necessary to accomplish the things I must. So being straight basically entails that I will focus more on my geeky side of life. I will spend more time in the library looking up mathematics texts and reading philosophy texts. I will also be going more into web development and figure out what new technology is working in the world. I will pursue my inner geek with such fervor that my friends may see me as a completely new person. This will mostly be true due to the fact that usually they only see the gay side of me, so this will be exciting.
Being straight does not mean that I will not have my gay moments. I will still go out and be social occasionally because I need to satisfy the gay side of me occasionally. So you can almost count my gayness almost as a hobby. Being social and dancing my heart out will be my method of exercise, since I need to exercise anyway to stay fit.
Due to this I will begin my first ambitious goals of finishing up what I started and never finished. These include (in the web world):
In the knowledge world these include:
These are my first goals. More will come as I finish these ones. Eventually this blog will get a facelift as suggested by how the name has already changed. Instead of being about my adventures, they will be about my thoughts. And that is all for my update for today. I am off to begin working on my first few needs.
With accomplishment,
-Aram the Garmo
The main reason for the conclusion I am about to give is some videos that are on facebook. I was watching me dancing on the video app on facebook and was comparing myself with the other dancers, which a very normal thing to do as a dancer. But as I was comparing I noticed something very vital in a dancers life; I don't dance like any of them do. I have my own rhythm and my own movements. I cannot follow and duplicate what the others in the dances could do. This may have been due to the fact that I was out of my element by doing hip-hop, lyrical, and the such, but as a contemporary dancer lyrical should have come fairly easily, and it seemed that it didn't. That is the main basis for my decision to choose to be straight.
Now deciding to be straight has many implications as to how I want to lead my life. Although it is too late to make any major changes in my life (such as career ambitions) but it is not too late to begin my wisdom training necessary to accomplish the things I must. So being straight basically entails that I will focus more on my geeky side of life. I will spend more time in the library looking up mathematics texts and reading philosophy texts. I will also be going more into web development and figure out what new technology is working in the world. I will pursue my inner geek with such fervor that my friends may see me as a completely new person. This will mostly be true due to the fact that usually they only see the gay side of me, so this will be exciting.
Being straight does not mean that I will not have my gay moments. I will still go out and be social occasionally because I need to satisfy the gay side of me occasionally. So you can almost count my gayness almost as a hobby. Being social and dancing my heart out will be my method of exercise, since I need to exercise anyway to stay fit.
Due to this I will begin my first ambitious goals of finishing up what I started and never finished. These include (in the web world):
- Organising my hotmail accounts into directories and keep them organised
- Revamping my geocities website so that it is more contemporary looking and much more enjoyable to look at
- Organise all my journals so that they are centred on one website rather that on quite a few as it currently stands
- Organise my yahoo page so that I can use RSS feeds on the go instead of relying on my home computer for the feeds. Or somehow combine the two so that they are compatible
- Update my profiles. Mainly: facebook, myspace, twitter, pownce, LJ, blogspot, and others
In the knowledge world these include:
- Brushing up on my basic mathematics; differential equations and linear algebra to be specific
- Begin looking into philosophy, starting off with Aristotle and Plato
- Understand the topics in mathematics that I am currently studying
- Go to mathematics lectures held for graduate students that I am allowed to show up to
These are my first goals. More will come as I finish these ones. Eventually this blog will get a facelift as suggested by how the name has already changed. Instead of being about my adventures, they will be about my thoughts. And that is all for my update for today. I am off to begin working on my first few needs.
With accomplishment,
-Aram the Garmo
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Gay vs. Straight
Today will not be a review day. Instead I will be talking about the struggle occuring within me between straight Aram and gay Aram. So I'm sure not many people know that there are two basic version of Aram that are in constant battle. And I will first describe my two sets of personalities, and then I will try and see if I can come up with any solutions to my dillema.
I'll start with the gay version of Aram since most people know this Aram fairly decently. Gay Aram is they dancer, creative, crazy, impulsive one. He dances during the day, watches films and tv to catch up with society, and then dances the night away getting drunk in some club, preferrably with hip hop music so he can grind. He wants to feel good and usually wants to stay on top of society. He wants to be fashionable and buys the latest outfits and tries to figure out how to look good, mainly to attract men. He follows gossip, especially celebrity gossip, and also is very social. He also watches every musical he possibly can. I think you get the picture.
The other side is the straight side of Aram. He sits and does maths during his spare time. He doesn't care about fashion and only wears things to keep him warm. He sits and reads fantasy books in order to increase his foundational knowledge. He also tries and follows different philosophical thoughts and maintains interest in the sciences. He is very anti-social and would rather sit home by himself and learn about maths rather than go out. He plays video games during his spare time and also creates websites. I think you understand this picture also.
The conflict is, how do you live with both selfs? Some things I am easily able to compromise. In order to satisy my need to read fantasy books, and my need to follow society, I read fantasy books that everyone in society knows. For instance, currently I am reading The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. But of course certain parts of me just can't cope with each other because they each require great deals of time in order to master which then causes me to be apathetic and doing nothing. The best example is my two basic needs in my life; to dance and to solve maths. Dancing takes a lot of training and must always be kept up. You need to wake up in the mornings and stretch and then dance a few hours during the day and also build up strength and endurance. You need to follow a healthy diet and also keep track of what your body wants. On the other hand, for maths, I need to constantly be on my toes with the latest ideas. I must read new books and new concepts in order to understand the basic foundational understanding of mathematics in order to be able to achieve any great discovery. Of course this requires reading book after book and to actually sit and do problems.
As you can probably see, these two don't really follow well together and so I struggle. Sometimes my gay side wins and I go out and party until the sun comes up. Sometimes my straight side wins and I stay cooped up in my room reading maths and doing random problems in order to satisfy my needs. But most of the time I am in between the two extremes and don't know what to do. I need to be active, but I need to do maths. It's an odd combination and I don't know how to satisfy it. That is why I usually just end up lying on my bed staring at the ceiling which doesn't help either of the causes.
I don't know what to do. How do you cope with having two personalities in constant conflict within your own body and being able to be successful? I wonder how DaVinci did it.
Currently Bisexual,
-Aram the Garmo
I'll start with the gay version of Aram since most people know this Aram fairly decently. Gay Aram is they dancer, creative, crazy, impulsive one. He dances during the day, watches films and tv to catch up with society, and then dances the night away getting drunk in some club, preferrably with hip hop music so he can grind. He wants to feel good and usually wants to stay on top of society. He wants to be fashionable and buys the latest outfits and tries to figure out how to look good, mainly to attract men. He follows gossip, especially celebrity gossip, and also is very social. He also watches every musical he possibly can. I think you get the picture.
The other side is the straight side of Aram. He sits and does maths during his spare time. He doesn't care about fashion and only wears things to keep him warm. He sits and reads fantasy books in order to increase his foundational knowledge. He also tries and follows different philosophical thoughts and maintains interest in the sciences. He is very anti-social and would rather sit home by himself and learn about maths rather than go out. He plays video games during his spare time and also creates websites. I think you understand this picture also.
The conflict is, how do you live with both selfs? Some things I am easily able to compromise. In order to satisy my need to read fantasy books, and my need to follow society, I read fantasy books that everyone in society knows. For instance, currently I am reading The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. But of course certain parts of me just can't cope with each other because they each require great deals of time in order to master which then causes me to be apathetic and doing nothing. The best example is my two basic needs in my life; to dance and to solve maths. Dancing takes a lot of training and must always be kept up. You need to wake up in the mornings and stretch and then dance a few hours during the day and also build up strength and endurance. You need to follow a healthy diet and also keep track of what your body wants. On the other hand, for maths, I need to constantly be on my toes with the latest ideas. I must read new books and new concepts in order to understand the basic foundational understanding of mathematics in order to be able to achieve any great discovery. Of course this requires reading book after book and to actually sit and do problems.
As you can probably see, these two don't really follow well together and so I struggle. Sometimes my gay side wins and I go out and party until the sun comes up. Sometimes my straight side wins and I stay cooped up in my room reading maths and doing random problems in order to satisfy my needs. But most of the time I am in between the two extremes and don't know what to do. I need to be active, but I need to do maths. It's an odd combination and I don't know how to satisfy it. That is why I usually just end up lying on my bed staring at the ceiling which doesn't help either of the causes.
I don't know what to do. How do you cope with having two personalities in constant conflict within your own body and being able to be successful? I wonder how DaVinci did it.
Currently Bisexual,
-Aram the Garmo
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Review of "Latter Days"
My Reviews will now be posted on Saturdays since obviously my thursdays are shit. Even though it probably doesn't matter cause I doubt anyone reads this :-P
Being excommunicated causes great disruption in Aaron's family which causes Aaron to attempt suicide. From there Aaron is sent to a 'treatment facility' in hopes that he may no longer be gay. Christian ends up finding out that Aaron has cut himself and thinks that Aaron is dead. Christian then goes to Aaron's family and wishes his condolences and returns something that belonged to Aaron. This caused the mother to finally accept her son and to believe he truly has no choice. Then by a total miracle, Aaron finds out that Christian is not only about the sex and that he truly loved Aaron. This causes Aaron to secretly run away from the facility and go back to LA where he meets up with Christian again and they live happily ever after.
Now the good stuff. The acting in this film was mainly attrocious. I could have done better, and I am a crap actor. But they did a fairly decent job and the acting was usually not a distraction. There was also some unbelievable feats that occured which would never occur in real life, such as Christian flying to Salt Lake the day after he decides to go. The film was fairly good and was one of the few really good gay films not based on sex.
I liked the way the mother acted. She was one of the better ones. Aaron's mother, Gladys Davis [played by Mary Kay Place], had a very emotional time. At first she had everything she wanted and all at once everything was taken from her. Through this she learned that love is what needs to be the most important thing in her life and that she can't afford to lose her son even though she is gay. This is a fabulous dream which I think actually occurs. That even though she hates the fact he is gay, she can't help but to love him anyway. She closely reminds me of my mother.
Christian was also a funny character. He seemed to develop the most throughout the movie. At first he was just into the sex with other gay men. This is very typical of gay men in today's society. In order to get the guy he likes though, he must grow to be an actual human being. He has to be able to no longer be shallow and actually care about other people. Him being able to do it brings hope into my world that there are people out there who can change into better human beings. And also that nonshallow gays exist, even though they are ridiculously hard to find.
This movie moved me and made me cry at least twice. I fully recommend it to everyone who is willing to watch gay films. There is some partial porn in it, but what straight film doesn't nowadays anyway. I loved it and hope all will watch it.
Talk about an amazing gay film that is really heart-wrenching. It seems nowadays most gay based films are only about the sex, but this one takes it beyond the sex and actually produces a decent story line. It is mainly about a Mormon named Aaron Davis, who is played by the gorgeous Steve Sandvoss. Aaron, who is from Utah, is in Los Angeles completing his mission trip that all Mormons must go through. Of course Aaron is secretly gay, but being a Mormon he is not allowed to pursue these urges. The movie follows the life of Aaron. | ![]() |
![]() | Of course by coincidence, Aaron happens to move next door to an attractive gay man who happens to be very promiscuous. Christian Markelli is his next door neighbor and is played by Wes Ramsey. Christian generally sleeps around, and due to this has the idea that he can get with any man he wants. This leads to his coworkers placing a bet on him that he can't get a mormon to give him their underwear. This makes Christian to meet his new neighbors. Aaron of course automatically likes Christian, but tells Christian he won't do anything with him because he sleeps around and only thinks of guys for sex and not for relationships. This causes Christian to have a meltdown and to reevaluate his whole life. Christian starts to help out at a local volunteering organization where he delivers food to those who have AIDS. Through many experiences Christian grows as a human. Eventually Aaron's other mormon roommates find out, and Aaron is sent back to Utah and is excommunicated from the church. |
Being excommunicated causes great disruption in Aaron's family which causes Aaron to attempt suicide. From there Aaron is sent to a 'treatment facility' in hopes that he may no longer be gay. Christian ends up finding out that Aaron has cut himself and thinks that Aaron is dead. Christian then goes to Aaron's family and wishes his condolences and returns something that belonged to Aaron. This caused the mother to finally accept her son and to believe he truly has no choice. Then by a total miracle, Aaron finds out that Christian is not only about the sex and that he truly loved Aaron. This causes Aaron to secretly run away from the facility and go back to LA where he meets up with Christian again and they live happily ever after.
Now the good stuff. The acting in this film was mainly attrocious. I could have done better, and I am a crap actor. But they did a fairly decent job and the acting was usually not a distraction. There was also some unbelievable feats that occured which would never occur in real life, such as Christian flying to Salt Lake the day after he decides to go. The film was fairly good and was one of the few really good gay films not based on sex.
I liked the way the mother acted. She was one of the better ones. Aaron's mother, Gladys Davis [played by Mary Kay Place], had a very emotional time. At first she had everything she wanted and all at once everything was taken from her. Through this she learned that love is what needs to be the most important thing in her life and that she can't afford to lose her son even though she is gay. This is a fabulous dream which I think actually occurs. That even though she hates the fact he is gay, she can't help but to love him anyway. She closely reminds me of my mother.
Christian was also a funny character. He seemed to develop the most throughout the movie. At first he was just into the sex with other gay men. This is very typical of gay men in today's society. In order to get the guy he likes though, he must grow to be an actual human being. He has to be able to no longer be shallow and actually care about other people. Him being able to do it brings hope into my world that there are people out there who can change into better human beings. And also that nonshallow gays exist, even though they are ridiculously hard to find.
This movie moved me and made me cry at least twice. I fully recommend it to everyone who is willing to watch gay films. There is some partial porn in it, but what straight film doesn't nowadays anyway. I loved it and hope all will watch it.
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