Monday, March 10, 2008

Gay vs. Straight: The Resolution

Last night as I was attempting to sleep I cam up with a resolution. I was tossing and turning in bed unable to produce enough tiredness in order to fall asleep when it suddenly struck me. I have finally chosen which side of the debate I will side with and I will explain my reasons for this sudden 'epiphany'.

The main reason for the conclusion I am about to give is some videos that are on facebook. I was watching me dancing on the video app on facebook and was comparing myself with the other dancers, which a very normal thing to do as a dancer. But as I was comparing I noticed something very vital in a dancers life; I don't dance like any of them do. I have my own rhythm and my own movements. I cannot follow and duplicate what the others in the dances could do. This may have been due to the fact that I was out of my element by doing hip-hop, lyrical, and the such, but as a contemporary dancer lyrical should have come fairly easily, and it seemed that it didn't. That is the main basis for my decision to choose to be straight.

Now deciding to be straight has many implications as to how I want to lead my life. Although it is too late to make any major changes in my life (such as career ambitions) but it is not too late to begin my wisdom training necessary to accomplish the things I must. So being straight basically entails that I will focus more on my geeky side of life. I will spend more time in the library looking up mathematics texts and reading philosophy texts. I will also be going more into web development and figure out what new technology is working in the world. I will pursue my inner geek with such fervor that my friends may see me as a completely new person. This will mostly be true due to the fact that usually they only see the gay side of me, so this will be exciting.

Being straight does not mean that I will not have my gay moments. I will still go out and be social occasionally because I need to satisfy the gay side of me occasionally. So you can almost count my gayness almost as a hobby. Being social and dancing my heart out will be my method of exercise, since I need to exercise anyway to stay fit.

Due to this I will begin my first ambitious goals of finishing up what I started and never finished. These include (in the web world):

  • Organising my hotmail accounts into directories and keep them organised

  • Revamping my geocities website so that it is more contemporary looking and much more enjoyable to look at

  • Organise all my journals so that they are centred on one website rather that on quite a few as it currently stands

  • Organise my yahoo page so that I can use RSS feeds on the go instead of relying on my home computer for the feeds. Or somehow combine the two so that they are compatible

  • Update my profiles. Mainly: facebook, myspace, twitter, pownce, LJ, blogspot, and others

In the knowledge world these include:

  • Brushing up on my basic mathematics; differential equations and linear algebra to be specific

  • Begin looking into philosophy, starting off with Aristotle and Plato

  • Understand the topics in mathematics that I am currently studying

  • Go to mathematics lectures held for graduate students that I am allowed to show up to

These are my first goals. More will come as I finish these ones. Eventually this blog will get a facelift as suggested by how the name has already changed. Instead of being about my adventures, they will be about my thoughts. And that is all for my update for today. I am off to begin working on my first few needs.

With accomplishment,
-Aram the Garmo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want someone to discuss the philosophy with, you know where to find me :)