Friday, May 30, 2008


So the past couple of weeks have been filled with intensive studying sessions and also examinations in order to finish my final year as an undergraduate. When I get back to California I will have been graduated and will have my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. I feel all smart.

As my exam results come out on 11 June, I figure I am going to try and make predictions as to what my grades will be for all of my classes depending on the amount of work I did and how well I did on the exam.

EDUC1002(Contexts for Learning): 50%
MATH3152(Coding Theory):65%
MATH2015(Analysis 2):55%
MATH2032(Rings, Polynomials, & Fields):80%
MATH3024(Homotopy and Surfaces):90%

I hope these are my final grades, because I need to pass all of my classes and average a 65% in order to fully qualify into UC Davis' Masters program. As of right now I have been conditionally excepted into UC Davis' teaching credential/masters program. I have already set up my living for next year, and can't wait to be back in Davis.

As I have more free time I will be discussing some topics from the past that I wanted to blog about, but never had time, and I will do this in the coming days. I will also hopefully get back into writing in this blog.

-Aram the Garmo

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